Par (⅋) is a concurrent programming language bringing the expressive power of linear logic into practice.
This reference contains not only the complete grammar and specification of Par but also an extensive collection of examples, explanations and best practices.
Par is a multi-layer language with an intermediate representation in itself.
A simple program like
type HW = either { .hello_world! }
def main: HW = .hello_world!
is compiled to a program fully written in process syntax:
type HW = either { .hello_world! }
def main: HW = chan user {
Par is centered around concurrency and session typing, all in the framework of linear logic. What does that mean?
- Types are linear, i.e. a value must be used exactly once. You might know the type system of Rust, where a value must be used at most once.
- Ultimately, everything in Par is a channel.
- A list sends every item in order and then closes
- A function receives its argument and becomes the result
- An infinite stream can be signaled to either yield the next item or close
- Channels communicate with each other by
- sending signals (the names with a dot in front)
- sending values
- closing each other
- Everything has a dual in Par: A value can be created by destroying its dual (see channel expressions)
- This can all be abstracted away in expressions and types or be exposed as statements in process syntax.
Putting all of this together, Par manages to be a functional language while also allowing imperative-style code and mutability.
For example, a mutable stack can be implemented like this (explanation):
type Bool = either { .true!, .false! }
type List<T> = recursive either { .empty!, .item(T) self }
type Option<T> = either { .none!, .some T }
type Stack<Unwrap, T> = iterative {
.push(T) => self
.pop => (Option<T>) self
.unwrap => Unwrap
dec list_stack : [type T] [List<T>] Stack<List<T>, T>
def list_stack = [type T] [list] begin {
.push(x) => let list: List<T> = .item(x) list in loop
.pop => list {
.empty! => (.none!) let list: List<T> = .empty! in loop,
.item(head) tail => (.some head) let list = tail in loop
.unwrap => list
def main = do {
let list: List<Bool> = .empty!
let stack = list_stack(type Bool)(list)
// stack currently represents an empty list
// the following operations mutate stack
// stack now represents a singleton of .true!
// stack now represents a two-element list
} in stack
Running this in the playground you can push and pop elements, or inspect the underlying data using unwrap.
For a complete tutorial, see the Readme
Getting Started
To use Par, clone the repository
$ git clone
and run the app
$ cd par-lang
$ cargo run
Note: If you don’t have Rust and Cargo installed, do that first
This will launch the Par playground. Some example code is already written for you. Just press Compile and Run to run any definition from the program on the left.
To ask questions or discuss ideas, join our Discord.
Lexical Structure
Comments have no effect on the program.
// This is a line comment
* And this is a multiline (block) comment.
* The stars on the left are purely for aesthetics
ID :
(ID_START ID_CONT*)Expect keywordsID_START :
ID_List :
ID (,
Some valid identifiers are:
Some invalid identifiers are:
, a keyword3D
, starts with a numberkebab-case
, same askebab - case
Keyword | Usage |
type | Define a type, Existentials, Universals |
dec | Declare a value |
def | Define a value |
chan | Channel expressions, Dualize types |
let | Let expressions and statements |
do | Do expressions |
in | Let expressions, Do expressions |
begin , loop | Iterative constructions, Recursive destruction (expression or statement) |
either | Either types |
recursive | Recursive types |
iterative | Iterative types |
self | Recursive and iterative types |
unfounded | Escape totality checker in recursive expressions and statements |
Symbol | Usage |
= | Definitions (values and types), Let expressions and statements |
: | Type annotations, Value declarations, Loop labels |
, | Various enumerations |
! | Unit type, expression, pattern, Break command |
? | Bottom type, Continue command |
. | Labels of either or choice types, used in various places |
<> | Link commands |
< | Type parameters and arguments |
> | Type parameters and arguments |
=> | Choice types and constructions, Match expressions and commands |
( … ) | Pairs, function application |
[ … ] | Functions, pair destruction |
{ … } | Either and choice types, processes |
Whitespace in Par serves merely the purpose of separating tokens. Whitespace characters are:
- The whitespace
' '
- Tabs
- Newline
- Carriage return
Source Files
ParFile :
This rule is the entry point for every file written in Par.
Currently, every Par program consists entierely of items:
Type definitions
type TypeName = SomeType
Value definitions and declarations
// type and value together def name: Type = value // separate type declaration dec name : Type def name = value
Item :
| Declaration
| Definition
Items are the primary building block of Par programs.
Declaration :
TypeDefinition :
ID Annotation?=
defines a global definition usable throughout the file in which it was defined.
It can be used as many times as one desires, instantiating itself every time it’s used.
// define a static value
dec unit : !
def unit = !
// or all-in-one
def unit: ! = !
// define a function
def negate: [Bool] Bool = [b] b {
.true! => .false!
.false! => .true!
// define a function receiving types
dec pop : [type T] [List<T>] (Option<T>) List<T>
def pop = [type T] [list] list {
.empty! => (.none!) .empty!
.item(head) tail => (.some head) tail
Type Definitions
TypeDefinition :
ID TypeParameters?=
TypeTypeParameters :
TypeParameter (,
TypeParameter :
A type definition defines a type alias, not a “new type”. All types in Par are structural.
// simple type alias
type Boolean = Bool
// the definition of Bool
type Bool = either {
// parameterized type alias
type Option<T> = either {
.some T
At the heart of Par lies its type system, representing linear logic.
Type :
| Unit
| PairType
| FunctionType
| EitherType
| ChoiceType
| RecursiveType
| IterativeType
| ExistentialType
| UniversalType
| Bottom
| ChannelType
| SelfSelf :
LoopLabel?TypeList :
Type (,
?TypeArguments :
Annotation :
TypeLabel :
Named Types
NamedType : ID TypeArguments?
Defined via type aliases, named types can always be replaced with their definition without changing meaning.
let x: Option<T> = .none!
// is equivalent to
let x: either { .none!, .some T } = .none!
The Unit Type
Unit :!
Dual | Constructing Expression | Pattern | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
Unit is a type providing no information. In C(++) it’s called void
, in Rust it’s ()
(and it can be thought of as an empty tuple in Par as well). There is exactly one value of type !
, and it’s also !
let unit: ! = !
Every value of a type A
corresponds to a function [!] A
def select: [type T] [T] [!] T = [type T] [x] [!] x
// uncurrying makes this clear
// [T] [!] T = [T, !] T ≅ [(T) !] T ≅ [T] T
def extract: [type T] [[!] T] T = [type T] [f] f(!)
For some types there is a function [A] !
Those can be destroyed without any transformation.
// Types constructed only from ! are droppable
def drop_bool: [Bool] ! = [b] b {
.true! => !
.false! => !
// Functions are not droppable in general
def drop_impossible: [[Bool] Bool] ! = todo
Mathematically, !
is \(\mathbf{1}\), the unit for \(\otimes\).
Pair Types
PairType :(
Dual | Constructing Expression | Pattern | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
type T = (A, B) R
// is equivalent to
type T = (A) (B) R
While (A, B)!
and (A) B
are both valid ways to define a pair of A
and B
, depending on the context, one might be more convenient than the other:
// convert (A, B)! into (A) B
def i : [(A, B)!] (A) B = [x]
let (a, b)! = x in (a) b
// and back
def j : [(A) B] (A, B)! = [x]
let (a) b = x in (a, b)!
// a good use case of (A) B
type List<T> = recursive either {
.item(T) self
// can now be created like this:
let bool_list: List<Bool> =
// in most cases, (A, B)! is the safer bet
// as it uses more friendly syntax
type Pair<T, T> = (T, T)!
let bool_pair: Pair<Bool> =
(.true!, .false!)!
Values are created using pair expressions:
let a: A = ...
let b: B = ...
let pair: (A) B = (a) b
and they can be destructed using pair patterns or receive commands:
let triple: (A, B, C)! = (a, b, c)!
// pattern matching
let (first) rest = triple
// first = a
// rest = (b, c)!
// commands
do {
// after this command:
// rest = (c)!
// second = b
} in ...
Mathematically, (A) B
is \(A \otimes B\). For session types, it means “send A
and continue as B
Function Types
FunctionType :[
Dual | Constructing Expression | Destructing Expression | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple types between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
type T = [A, B] R
// is equivalent to
type T = [A] [B] R
Values are created using function expressions:
let add1: [Nat] Nat = [n] .succ n
and destructed by calling the function:
let one: Nat =!
let two = add1(one)
Mathematically, [A] B
is a linear function \(A \multimap B\). For session types, it means “receive A
and continue as B
Either Types
EitherType :either
(Label Type,
Dual | Constructing Expression | Destructing Expression | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
An either type is the usual sum type aka. a tagged union (in Rust, it’s an enum
). Every value of such a type consists of a label, marking the variant, and a value of the type corresponding to the label (its “payload”).
// the most basic sum type
type Bool = either {
.true! // variant "true" with payload !
.false! // variant "false", also with payload !
// a slightly more complex example
type TwoOrNone<T> = either {
.none! // variant "none" with "no" payload (using !)
.two(T, T)! // variant "some" with "two" payloads
Values are created by attaching a label to its required payload. Note that the corresponding either type must always be known when labeling an expression. A type annotation can be used for that.
let no_bool: TwoOrNone<Bool> = .none!
let both_bools: TwoOrNone<Bool> = .two(.true!, .false!)!
Mathematically, either { .a A, .b B }
is \(A \oplus B\). For session types, it means “select from A
or B
An empty either type either {}
is therefore \(\mathbf{0}\), the empty type.
In Haskell, it’s called void
and in Rust it’s !
(not to be confused with the !
in Par).
There is a function from it to every type:
def absurd: [type T] [either {}] T = [type T] [x] x {}
This function can never be called though.
Either types are often used as recursive types.
Choice Types
ChoiceType :
(Label ((
ReceiveTypes :
Dual | Constructing Expression | Destructing Expression | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
A choice type is dual to an either type. Constructing a value of an either type is “making a choice” and similarly, destructing such a value looks exactly like constructing a value of a choice type. It consists of several labels that can be used as signals to destruct the receiver.
// choice of two
type BoolChoice<A, B> = {
.true => A
.false => B
// destruct a Bool
def negate(b: Bool): Bool = b {
.true! => .false!
.false! => .true!
// construct a choice
def negate_choice: BoolChoice<Bool, Bool> = {
.true => .false!
.false => .true!
// define negate using the choice
// featuring selecting from the choice type value
def also_negate: [Bool] Bool = [b] b {
.true! => negate_choice.true
.false! => negate_choice.false
.cons => [A] B
can also be written as .cons(A) => B
A choice type represents an interface for interacting with data. While an either type describes its underlying data, a choice type describes what can be done with it.
// creating an interface
type Stack<T, Unwrap> = iterative {
.push(T) => self
.pop => (Option<T>) self
.unwrap => Unwrap
// implementing it
dec list_stack : [type T] [List<T>] Stack<T, List<T>>
def list_stack = [type T] [list] begin {
.push(x) => let list: List<T> = .item(x) list in loop
.pop => list {
.empty! => (.none!) let list: List<T> = .empty! in loop,
.item(head) tail => (.some head) let list = tail in loop
.unwrap => list
def main = do {
let stack = list_stack(type Bool)(.empty!)
} in stack
For an explanation of iterative
and begin
, see iterative types
Mathematically, { .a => A, .b => B }
is \(A \mathbin{\&} B\). For session types, it means “offer a choice of A
or B
An empty choice {}
is therefore \(\top\) and has exactly one value, {}
. There is a function to it from every type:
def immortalize: [type T] [T] {} = [type T] [x] {}
The result of this function can never be used though.
Choice types are often used as iterative types.
Recursive Types
RecursiveType :recursive
LoopLabel? Type
Dual | Destructing Expression | Destructing Statement
A recursive type can be used within itself via self
If no loop label is present, self
corresponds to the innermost recursive
. Else to the one with the same loop label.
Recursive types are mostly used in conjunction with either types:
type List<T> = recursive either {
.item(T) self
Values of recursive types always terminate. They have to be constructed finitely.
// a simple List
let l: List<Bool> = .item(.true!).item(.false!).empty!
Mathematically, a recursive either type represents an inductive type.
Constructors without self
are the base cases while those with self
inductive steps.
A function from a recursive type is defined using induction:
// recursive (inductive) type representing
// the natural numbers
type Nat = recursive either {
.succ self
dec is_even : [Nat] Bool
// induction over n (marked by applying begin-loop)
def is_even = [n] n begin {
// base case(s)
.zero! => .true!
// inductive step(s)
// pred loop is analogous to an inductive hypothesis
.succ pred => not(pred loop)
Iterative Types
IterativeType :iterative
LoopLabel? Type
Dual | Constructing Expression | Constructing Statement
An iterative type can be used within itself via self
If no loop label is present, self
corresponds to the innermost recursive
. Else to the one with the same loop label.
Iterative types are mostly used in conjunction with choice types, for example:
type Stream<T> = iterative {
.close => !
.next => (T) self
Values of iterative types may be infinite. In contrast to recursive types, such values can only be destructed in finitely many steps.
type Inf<T> = iterative (T) self
def infinite_bools: Inf<Bool> = begin (.true!) loop
This infinite value can be constructed but there is no way of fully destructing (so: using) it.
Mathematically, an iterative choice type represents a coinductive type.
Destructors without loop
break the iteration and return, while those containing loop
yield and continue.
A function to an iterative type is defined using coinduction (iteration):
type Nat = recursive either { .zero!, .succ self }
// construct a stream of all natural numbers
// in form of the iterative Stream<Nat>
def nat_stream: Stream<Nat> =
let n: Nat = .zero! in
// coinduction (independent begin-loop)
begin {
// break, return !
.close => drop(n),
.next => do {
let (next, n)! = copy(n)
let n: Nat = .succ n
} in
// yield the next number
// continue (coinductive step)
// helpers
def drop: [Nat] ! = [n] n begin {
.zero! => !
.succ pred => pred loop
def copy: [Nat] (Nat, Nat)! = [n] n begin {
.zero! => (.zero!, .zero!)!
.succ pred => let (p1, p2)! = pred loop
in (.succ p1, .succ p2)!
Existential Types
ExistentialType :(
Dual | Constructing Expression | Pattern | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
type T = (type A, B) X
// is equivalent to
type T = (type A) (type B) X
Existential types mirror pair types but they’re qualified over types rather than values. They are used to encapsulate their underlying type.
type Bool = either { .true!, .false! }
type Nat = recursive either { .zero!, .succ self }
type Any = (type T) T
def main = chan user {
// create values of the existential Any type
// note that both have exactly the same type!
let any1: Any = (type Bool) .true!
let any2: Any = (type Nat)!
The qualifying types and values can both be extracted from a value of such a type:
let any: Any = ...
let (type X) x = any
let y: X = x
Mathematically, (type T) A
is \(\exists\ T: A\).
Universal Types
UniversalType :[
Dual | Constructing Expression | Destructing Expression | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple types between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
type T = [type A, B] X
// is equivalent to
type T = [type A] [type B] X
Values of universal types can be instantiated for any type. These types syntactically mirror function types but they’re qualified over types rather than values. They’re also similar to parameterized types.
// compare the three types of parameterizing types
type UnivEndo = [type T] [T] T
type ParamEndo<T> = [T] T
type ExistEndo = (type T) [T] T
// a value of an universal type must be defined
// for all types
let id: UnivEndo = [type T] [x] x
// a specialized version can be represented using
// a parameterized type
let id_bool: ParamEndo<Bool> = id(type Bool)
// this type encapsulates the Bool
let id_bool_2: ExistEndo = (type Bool) id_bool
A more interesting example is reversing a list of any type.
Mathematically, [type T] A
is \(\forall\ T: A\).
The Bottom Type
Bottom :?
Dual | Constructing Statement | Destructing Statement
The bottom ?
is dual to the unit !
def main: Bool = chan user {
// user now has type ?
Mathematically, ?
is \(\bot\), the unit for \(⅋\). So \(\bot \mathbin{⅋} A = \mathbf{1} \multimap A \cong A\) (as seen before for the unit type).
Channel Types
ChannelType :chan
Dual | Constructing Expression
chan A
represents a channel accepting an A
def just_true: Bool = chan yield {
let c: chan Bool = yield
is merely a type transformer, turning a type into its dual.
For example, chan chan T
is equal to T
(not just isomorphic).
A more elaborate example can be seen here
A chan A
can be linked with an A
(using <>
), annihilating both and ending the process.
def just_true: Bool = chan yield {
let c: chan Bool = yield
let b: Bool = .true!
c <> b
Note that b <> c
would have been equally valid.
Duality equations
Mathematically, chan A
is \(A^\perp\), i.e. the dual type to A
. Every type has a dual. These are defined according to this table:
Type | Dual |
T | chan T |
chan T | T |
(A) B | [A] chan B |
[A] B | (A) chan B |
either { .a A, .b B } | { .a => chan A, .b => chan B } |
{ .a => A, .b => B } | either { .a chan A, .b chan B } |
! | ? |
? | ! |
recursive T | iterative chan T |
iterative T | recursive chan T |
self | self |
(type T) A | [type T] chan A |
[type T] A | (type T) chan A |
Moreover, chan A ≅ [A]?
is an isomorphism
dec i : [type A] [chan A] [A]?
def i = [type A] [ch] chan receive {
// receive is of type (A)!
ch <> a
dec j : [type A] [[A]?] chan A
def j = [type A] [annihilate] chan a {
// a is of type A
So the dual of a type can be used to destruct a value.
Expression :
| Application
| LetExpression
| DoExpression
| ChanExpression
Every expression desugars to a channel expression. In the most simple way, that is
// is equivalent to
chan dual {
dual <> expr
This can now be further translated into process syntax by rewriting the link dual <> expr
. Rules for that are provided in every expression rule.
Primary Expressions
PrimaryExpression :
| GroupedExpressionGroupedExpression :
Par uses {
and }
for grouping expressions together.
Together with names like x
they form the primary expressions, which can be destructed using expressions.
Primary expressions appear here in the grammar.
dec apply_id : [type T] [T] T
def apply_id = [type T] [x] {[y] y}(x)
Primary expressions can be linked via:
dual <> id // can't be further simplified
dual <> {expr}
// is just
dual <> expr
Let Expressions
LetExpression :let
The second expression must use all bindings of the pattern (which must be irrefutable) due to linearity.
Let expressions make code easier to read by creating an expression in multiple steps. Compare:
let x = call_a_long_function(and_another_one(y))
in (.true!, x, .false!)!
// with
(.true!, call_a_long_function(and_another_one(y)), .false!)!
But arguably even morer useful are the destruction-by-pattern capabilities let expressions offer:
// this expression is not possible
// without let or do expressions
let (b1, b2)! = copy_bool(b)
in (b1, not(b2))!
Let statements are very similar, so when multiple let expressions in a row would be required, it’s often more convenient to switch to those and put them inside do expressions.
Let expressions can be linked via:
dual <> let p = x in y
// is equivalent to
let p = x
dual <> y
Do Expressions
DoExpression :do
Do expressions allow process syntax inside an expression context:
do {
} in result
// is equivalent to
chan return {
return <> result
Linearity requires that all leftover bindings from the process must be used in the expression at the end.
Do expressions are useful for…
// ...binding multiple values with let
do {
let v1 = e1
let vn = en
} in result
// is preferred over
let v1 = e1 in
let vn = en in
// ...destructing values
do {
} in result
Expressions construct, commands destruct. Because of this, when a value is destructed, process syntax (for example via a do expression) is the way to go.
Do expressions can be linked via:
dual <> do { proc } in y
// is equivalent to
dual <> y
Channel Expressions
ChanExpression :chan
ID Annotation?{
The name declared after the channel may be used inside the process and must be fully destructed inside or moved out of there.
The expression chan a: A { ... }
has type chan A
. Conversely, if chan b { ... }
has type B
, b
has type chan B
Note, that chan A
, the channel type, is not a separate type. It merely transforms the A
to its dual, according to the duality equations.
These expressions are key to exploiting duality. The expression chan c { ... }
spawns a process, and at the same time creates a channel, whose one end is accessible as c
inside the process, and the other end is returned from the expression. The types of these are dual.
Channel expressions are the only expression which is not syntax sugar. Under the hood, all expressions are syntax sugar for channel expressions.
Par even has an intermediate representation in which all expressions are channel expressions.
A channel expression constructs a value by destructing a value of its dual. For example:
dec is_even : [Nat] Bool
def is_even = chan return: (Nat) chan Bool {
// destruct return in this process
// return is now of type chan Bool
// and n is of type Nat
// destruct n
n begin {
.zero! => {
// fully destruct return
.succ => {
// n is now its former predecessor
n {
.zero! => {
// n was 1
.succ => {
n loop
Learn more about destructing values using commands here.
A more elaborate example is reversing a list using the generator pattern:
dec reverse : [type T] [List<T>] List<T>
// We construct the reversed list by destructing its dual: `chan List<T>`.
def reverse = [type T] [list] chan yield {
let yield: chan List<T> = list begin {
// The list is empty, give back the generator handle.
.empty! => yield,
// The list starts with an item `x`.
.item(x) rest => do {
// Traverse into the rest of the list first.
let yield = rest loop
// After that, produce `x` on the reversed list.
} in yield // Finally, give back the generator handle.
// At the very end, signal the end of the list.
Construction Expressions
Construction :
| PairExpression
| FunctionExpression
| EitherSelection
| ChoiceConstruction
| IterativeConstruction
| Loop
| ExistentialConstruction
| UniversalConstruction
The Unit Expression
Unit :!
Type | Pattern | Statement | Destructing Statement
The unit expression !
is of the unit type !
It’s the only value of its type:
def unit: ! = !
Unit expressions can be linked via:
dual <> !
// is equivalent to
Pair Expressions
PairExpression :(
Type | Pattern | Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple expressions between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
(a, b) c
// is equivalent to
(a) (b) c
If a
is of type A
and b
is of type B
, the pair expression (a) b
is of the pair type (A) B
let bool_pair: (Bool, Bool)! = (.true!, .false!)!
The difference between representing a pair of A
and B
as (A, B)!
or (A) B
(A1, ..., An)!
. is the default for regular tuples.let zero_to_two: (Nat, Nat, Nat)! = ( .zero!,!,!, )!
(A1, ..., An) B
more specifically means “sendA1
, …, andAn
, then continue asB
”. It’s used when all but the last member of a tuple should be received separately and the receiver should continue as the last one. For example:def length: [List] (Nat) List = [l] l begin { .empty! => (.zero!) .empty!, .item(head) tail => do { // tail loop is of type (Nat) List tail loop // receive len_pred tail[len_pred] // tail is now as before } in (.succ len_pred) .item(head) tail }
Pair expressions can be linked via:
dual <> (a) b
// is equivalent to
dual <> b
Function Expressions
FunctionExpression :[
Type | Destructing Expression | Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple patterns between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
[p, q] x
// is equivalent to
[p] [q] x
If p
is an irrefutable pattern for type A
and b
(wich must use the bindings of p
) is of type B
, the function expression [p] b
is of the function type [A] B
We’ve already seen a lot of functions, so here’s a simple one:
def add2: [Nat] Nat = [n] .succ.succ n
Note that function expressions are the primary way of defining functions in par. Defining a function looks the same as defining any other value.
Function expressions can be linked via:
dual <> [p] b
// is equivalent to
dual <> b
Either Selections
EitherSelection : Label Expression
Type | Destructing Expression | Statement | Destructing Statement
The type of an either selection cannot be inferred from itself.
A selection of the either type either { .a A, .b B }
is either .a a
if a
is of type A
or .b b
if b
is of type B
type Bool = either {
def true: Bool = .true!
Recursive types have no special construction syntax, instead they are finitely constructed as their underlying type. Most often they’re seen as recursive either
type Nat = recursive either {
.succ self,
// construct a value of the recursive
// Nat type like any other either type
def two =!
Either selections can be linked via:
dual <> .a a
// is equivalent to
dual <> a
Choice Constructions
ChoiceConstruction :
(Label ((
ReceivePatterns :
Type | Destructing Expression | Statement | Destructing Statement
If a
is of type A
and b
is of type B
, the choice construction { .a => a, .b => b }
is of the choice type { .a => A, .b => B }
Some patterns can be used on the left side:
{ .a(p) => a }
is equivalent to{ .a => [p] a }
{ .a(type T) => a }
is equivalent to{ .a => [type T] a }
Choice constructions look very similar to match expressions (intentionally!).
type BoolChoice = {
.true => Bool,
.false => Bool,
def negate: BoolChoice = {
.true => .false!,
.false => .true!,
Choice constructions can be linked via:
dual <> { .a => a, .b => b }
// is equivalent to
dual {
.a => { dual <> a }
.b => { dual <> b }
Iterative Constructions
IterativeConstruction :
LoopLabel? ExpressionLoop :
If — given every loop
in a
is of type iterative A
— a
is of type A
, the iterative construction begin a
is of the iterative type iterative A
A loop
corresponds to the innermost begin
with the same loop label. loop
without a label can only correspond to begin
without a label.
Iterative types are constructed with begin
and as such, their values are often infinite. This is not a problem, however, as they don’t have special syntax for destruction, i.e. they can only be finitely destructed.
type Omega = iterative {
.close => !,
.next => self,
// This value is infinite:
// .next can be called as often
// as one desires
// (but only finitely many times)
def omega: Omega = begin {
.close => !,
.next => loop,
Iterative constructions can be linked via:
dual <> begin a
// is equivalent to
dual begin
dual <> a // with loop in a replaced by begin a
Existential Constructions
ExistentialConstruction :(
Type | Pattern | Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
(type A, B) c
// is equivalent to
(type A) (type B) c
If a
is of type A
, the existential construction (type T) a
is of the existential type (type T) A
type Any = (type T) T
let any_bool: Any = (type Bool) .true!
let any_unit: Any = (type !) !
Existential constructions can be linked via:
dual <> (type T) a
// is equivalent to
dual(type T)
dual <> a
Universal Constructions
UniversalConstruction :[
Type | Destructing Expression | Statement | Destructing Statement
Having multiple names between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
[type T, U] x
// is equivalent to
[type T] [type U] x
If a
is of type A
, the universal construction [type T] a
(where a
can use the type T
) is of the universal type [type T] A
Universal constructions are moslty used to define “generic functions”:
def empty_list : [type T] List<T> = [type T] .empty!
// called via
let bools: List<Bool> = empty_list(type Bool)
Universal constructions can be linked via:
dual <> [type T] a
// is equivalent to
dual[type T]
dual <> a
Application Expressions
Application :
| MatchExpression
| LoopApplicationApplicable :
| FunctionCall
| ChoiceSelection
| RecursiveDestruction
| UniversalSpecialization
While constructions construct values, applications destruct them. Some types do not have an application expression for destruction – they use patterns instead.
An application is always of the form: Applicable Suffix. Every application corresponds to a command, which looks the same. In contrast to commmand receivers however, applicables don’t become the result of this expression.
All applications can be linked via:
dual <> app suffix
// is equivalent to
let a = app
a suffix
dual <> a
Note that if app is a local variable, the let
is not needed.
Function Calls
FunctionCall : Applicable(
Destructs Type | Destructs Expression | Statement
Having multiple expressions between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
f(a, b)
// is equivalent to
If f
is of type [A] B
and a
is of type A
, the function call f(a)
is of type B
def function: [A] B
let a: A = ...
let b: B = function(a)
A function call is equivalent to a send command:
// in process syntax
let b = f(a)
// is equivalent to
let b = f
Choice Selections
ChoiceSelection : Applicable Label
Destructs Type | Destructs Expression | Statement
If x
is of type { ..., .label => T, ... }
, the choice selection x.label
is of type T
type BoolChoice = {
.true => Bool,
.false => Bool,
let bc: BoolChoice = ...
let choose_true = bc.true
Iterative types have no special destruction syntax, instead they are finitely destructed as their underlying type. Most often they’re seen as iterative choice types:
type Stream<T> = iterative {
.close => !,
.next => (T) self
let nats: Stream<Nat> = ...
// finitely destruct nats
do {
let (first) rest =
let (second) rest =
let ! = rest.close
} in (first, second)!
A choice selection is equivalent to a signal command:
// in process syntax
let y = x.label
// is equivalent to
let y = x
Match Expressions
MatchExpression : Applicable{
(Label ((
)* (ID |!
Destructs Type | Destructs Expression | Statement
Match expressions are similar to match
in Rust or case
in Haskell. Their pattern matching abilities are currently limited but will expand in the future.
If x
is of type either { .l1 T1, ..., .ln Tn }
is a pattern for typeT1
, and so on, untilpn
is a pattern for typeTn
, …,yn
are all of typeU
then x { .l1 p1 => y1, ..., .ln pn => yn }
is of type U
. It evaluates to the yi
which label .li
was matched.
type Option<T> = either {
.some T
let o: Option<Nat> = ...
let o_add1: Option<Nat> = o {
.none! => .none!,
.some n => .some.succ n,
Recursive Destructions
RecursiveDestruction :
LoopLabel?LoopApplication :
A loop
corresponds to the innermost begin
with the same loop label. loop
without a label can only correspond to begin
without a label.
If x
is of type recursive T
, then begin x
is of type T
, replacing each corresponding self
of T
with recursive T
A loop
corresponding to this begin
can be used on values of type recursive T
. Its behavior is equivalent to “pasting” the begin
and every application that follows it.
Due to totality, loop
can only be called on a descendant of the value begin
was called on. I.e. on a value which type is a “self
” correponding to the recursive type which begin
was called on.
If that is not the case, the unsafe unfounded begin
must be used, which leaves it up to the programmer to ensure totality.
Consider the recursive type
type List<T> = recursive either {
.item(T) self,
This is a total begin
dec reverse : [type T] [List<T>] List<T>
def reverse = [type T] [list] do {
let rev = .empty!
} in list begin {
.empty! => rev,
.item(head) tail => do {
let rev = .item(head) rev
} in tail loop
// tail corresponds to the self in the
// .item(T) self
// branch
This is a total unfounded begin
, as the totality checker currently doesn’t recognize this loop as total.
dec reverse : [type T] [List<T>] List<T>
def reverse = [type T] [list] list unfounded begin {
.empty! => .empty!,
.item(head) tail => do {
let (left, right)! = split(type T)(.item(head) tail)
} in concat(type T)(
left loop,
right loop,
/// splits the list into two lists
/// of equal length
/// (the left list may be one longer)
dec split : [type T] [List<T>] (List<T>, List<T>)!
/// concatenates two lists
dec concat : [type T] [List<T>, List<T>] List<T>
This is a nontotal unfounded begin
. Caution is required when using these to not lose totality.
def infinite_loop: ! = do {
let list: List<!> = .item(!).empty!
} in list unfounded begin {
.empty! => !, // this is total
.item(head) tail => do {
let list: List<!> = .item(head) tail
} in list loop, // this is not total
Universal Specializations
UniversalSpecialization : Applicable(
Destructs Type | Destructs Expression | Statement
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
x(type T, U)
// is equivalent to
x(type T)(type U)
If x
is of the universal type [type T] R
, the specialization f(type X)
is of type R
These expressions often “instantiate generic functions”
def id = [type T] [x: T] x
def id_bool: [Bool] Bool = id(type Bool)
def id_unit: [!] ! = id(type !)
Pattern :
PatternNoAltPatternNoAlt :
| Unit
| PairPattern
| ExistentialPatternPatternList :
PatternNoAlt (,
There are two properties of a pattern: What names it binds and whether it’s refutable.
Currently, all patterns are irrefutable. Because of plans to extend the patterns system (see the Future section) this word (irrefutable) is used throughout this part of the reference. It can be safely ignored for now.
Patterns can appear in several places:
in a
binding:// as an expression let p = x in y // or in process syntax let p = x rest...
All bindings of
must be used iny
respectively. Here,p
must be irrefutable. -
// in a function expression [p] body // destructing a pair (process syntax) tail[p] rest...
All bindings of
must be used inbody
respectively. Here,p
must also be irrefutable.
- in pattern matching, i.e. either destruction/choice construction
All bindings of// either destruction x { .label (p) rest_payload => y ... } // in process syntax, the rest_payload isn't present // (instead, x becomes it) // choice construction { .label (p) => y ... }
must be used iny
. Here,p
must also be irrefutable.
Binding Patterns
BindingPattern : ID Annotation?
The pattern name
or name: T
is always irrefutable and binds name
to x
when matching x
The pattern name
can be used on a value which type is known. Otherwise, name: T
must be used, which can only be used on a value of type T
Binding patterns are the most used patterns.
// break up an expression
do {
let v1 = e1
let v2 = e2
} in // expression using v1 and v2
If the type of the value matched is already known, a type annotation would have to match it. Such an annotation can be useful for declaring functions, though:
// no extra type annotation/declaration needed
def negate = [b: Bool] let result: Bool = b {
.true! => .false!
.false! => .true!
} in result
The Unit Pattern
Unit :!
Type | Constructing Expression | Destructing Statement
The unit pattern !
is always irrefutable and binds nothing.
It can only be used on values of type !
// if there is a value of a type T,
// there is a function [!] T
def returns_true: [!] Bool = [!] .true!
// ! can be used to destroy a unit
def drop_two_bools: [Bool, Bool] ! =
[b1, b2] let ! = drop(b1) in drop(b2)
// though process syntax is generally used for this
def drop_two_bools: [Bool, Bool] ! = [b1, b2] do {
} in !
dec drop_bool : [Bool] !
def drop_bool = [b] {
.true! => !
.false! => !
Pair Patterns
PairPattern :(
Type | Constructing Expression | Destructing Statement
- A pair pattern
(p) q
is irrefutable if and only if bothp
are irrefutable - When
can be used on typeA
on typeB
,(p) q
can be used on type(A) B
(p) q
matches(a) b
if and only ifp
- When matching
(a) b
, the bindings are those ofp
, together with those ofq
Having multiple patterns between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
// the pattern
(p, q) r
// is equivalent to
(p) (q) r
A pair pattern is used to destruct a value of a pair type:
dec uncurry : [type A, B, C] [[A, B] C] [(A, B)!] C
def uncurry = [type A, B, C] [f] [(a, b)!] f(a, b)
Existential Patterns
ExistentialPattern :(
Type | Constructing Expression | Destructing Statement
- An existential pattern
(type X) p
can only be used on an existential type(type T) A
must be able to be used on typeA
- When it can match, it is irrefutable if and only if
is irrefutable (type X) p
matches(type T) a
if and only ifp
- When matching
(type T) a
, the bindings are those ofp
, andX
is bound toT
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
// the pattern
(type X, Y) p
// is equivalent to
(type X) (type Y) p
An existential pattern is used to destruct a value of an existential type
type Any = (type T) T
def any_test: Any = do {
let x: Any = (type Bool) .true!
let (type X) x_val = x
// X = Bool
// x_val = .true!
let y: X = x_val
} (type X) y
More extensive pattern matching, along with more types of patterns is planned in the future. See here for more.
Statements are used in process syntax to
- destruct values: Command
- bind values: LetStatement
Process syntax is a series of statements, where all are nonterminating. In a channel
expression the last one will be terminating, making it an exception.
Process syntax is introduced by the Proces Rule:
Process : (Statement (;
? Statement) (;
? TerminatingStatement)?)?Statement :
| LetStatementTerminatingStatement :
It is used in the following places:
let x = do { process } in value
The process here may not use terminating statements.
let x = chan dual { process }
The process here must use a terminating statement. It constructs
by destructing its dual,dual
Let Statements
LetStatement :
Let statements are used to create values in processes. They are the only constructive statements, as commands always destruct.
In do
expressions, they are used to bind the values used in the value after in
let true_and_false = do {
let x: Bool = .true!
let y: Bool = .false!
} in (x, y)!
In chan
expressions, they can be used to construct a value that is then linked with a value of dual type:
def just_true = chan return: chan Bool {
// constructing the return value
let b: Bool = .true!
// linking it
return <> b
// is equivalent to
def just_true = chan return: chan Bool {
// destructing the result
Command :
| SendCommand
| ReceiveCommand
| SignalCommand
| MatchCommand
| BeginCommand
| SendTypeCommand
| ReceiveTypeCommandTerminatingCommand :
| LinkCommand
| LoopReceiver :
| Command
Nonterminating commands can be chained.
rec cmd1 cmd2
// is just
rec cmd1
rec cmd2
Link Commands
LinkCommand : Receiver<>
Link commands are symmetric, i.e. a <> b
is the same as b <> a
. On the right side, any expression can be used, however.
The types on both sides must be dual to each other. The link then annihilates both and ends the process.
def f: A = chan return: chan A {
let a: A = ...
return <> a
Rewrite rules for all expressions can be found at their respective rules (for applications they are grouped at the start).
The Break Command
BreakCommand : Receiver!
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel
A break command destructs a ?
and ends the process.
It is used with chan
, as destructing a ?
is constructing its dual !
def unit: ! = chan bottom: ? {
The Continue Command
ContinueCommand : Receiver?
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Pattern | Constructing Expression
A continue is used to destruct a !
dec drop_bool : [Bool] !
let b1: Bool = ...
let b2: Bool = ...
// get rid of b1
do {
// drop_bool(b1) returns !
// this is destructed by ?
} in b2
Send Commands
SendCommand : Receiver(
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Expression | Constructing Expression
Having multiple expressions between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
// the command
r(x, y)
// is equivalent to
A send command can destruct (“call”) a function:
do {
let b: Bool = .true!
let negate: [Bool] Bool = ...
// call negate
// negate is now the negation of b
} in negate
// evaluates to .false!
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing [A] chan B
to dually construct (A) B
def true_false: (Bool) Bool = chan return: [Bool] chan Bool {
// return is now a chan Bool
return <> .false!
Receive Commands
SendCommand : Receiver[
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Pattern | Constructing Expression
Having multiple patterns between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
// the pattern
r[p, q]
// is equivalent to
A receive command can destruct a pair:
dec reverse : [type A, B] [(A) B] (B) A
def reverse = [type A, B] [pair] do {
// receive first value
// if pair was (a) b :
// first is now a
// pair is now b
} in (pair) first
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing (A) chan B
to dually construct [A] B
def negate: [Bool] Bool = chan return: (Bool) chan Bool {
// receive the argument
// return is now a chan Bool
return <> arg {
.true! => .false!
.false! => .true!
Signal Commands
SignalCommand : Receiver Label
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Expression | Constructing Expression
A signal command can destruct a choice:
type Stream<T> = iterative {
.close => !
.next => (T) self
dec first_two : [type T] [Stream<T>] (T, T)!
def first_two = [type T] [stream] do {
// signal next
// stream is now (T) Stream<T>
// stream is now again Stream<T>
// combine both operations[second]
// close the stream
} in (first, second)!
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing a choice type to dually construct an either type:
// chan Bool is equal to
type ChanBool = {
.true => ?
.false => ?
def just_true: Bool = chan return: ChanBool {
// signal true
// return is now ?
// return.true! would have been equally valid
Match Commands
MatchCommand : Receiver{
(Label ((
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Expression | Constructing Expression
Patterns in (...)
after the label are equivalent to a receive command in the body:
x {
.label(a) => { rest... }
// is equivalent to
x {
.label => {
(a, b)
is also equivalent to (a)(b)
Similarly, a !
afterwards is equivalent to a continue in the body:
x {
.label(...)! => { rest... }
// is equivalent to
x {
.label(...) => {
A match command can destruct an either type:
def drop_bool: [Bool] ! = [b] do {
// match on b
b {
.true => {
// b is now !
// combine both
// (moving ? over => makes it !)
.false! => {}
} in !
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing an either type to dually construct a choice type:
// choice of two
type BoolChoice<A, B> = {
.true => A
.false => B
// dual type
type ChanBoolChoice<A, B> = either {
.true chan A
.false chan B
dec negate_choice : BoolChoice<Bool, Bool>
def negate_choice = chan return: ChanBoolChoice<Bool, Bool> {
return {
.true => {
// return is now of type chan Bool
.false => { return.true! }
Recursive Commands
SendCommand :
LoopLabel?LoopCommand :
LoopLabel?LoopLabel :
Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Expression
A loop
corresponds to the innermost begin
with the same loop label. loop
without a label can only correspond to begin
without a label.
Due to totality, loop
can only be called on a descendant of the value begin
was called on. I.e. on a value which type is a “self
” correponding to the recursive type which begin
was called on.
If that is not the case, the unsafe unfounded begin
must be used, which leaves it up to the programmer to ensure totality.
For examples, see recursive destructing expressions.
A recursive command can destruct a recursive type:
def list_and: [List<Bool>] Bool = [list] do {
let result: Bool = .true!
// destruct list recursively
list begin {
// after begin, list is of type
// either { .empty!, .item(Bool) List<Bool> }
// notice the absence of recursive
.item => {
// list is now of type (Bool) List<Bool>
b {
.true! => {}
.false! => {
// reassign result here
let result: Bool = .false!
// list is now of type List<Bool>
// go to begin
list loop
.empty! => {}
} in result
Note that
.item => {
could have been replaced with
.item(b) => {
A very important concept is that all values which were consumed between begin
and loop
must be reassigned (like result
in the example). This even allows variables to change in between the iterations:
def first_nats: [Nat] List<Nat> = [n] do {
// initialize "mutable" value
let list: List<Nat> = .empty!
n begin {
.zero! => {
// also reassign, but for after `in`
let list = .item(.zero!) list
.succ pred => {
// here pred gets reassigned
let (pred, p)! = copy_nat(pred)
// and list gets reassigned as well
let list = .item(.succ p) list
pred loop
} in list
A recursive command can also be used with chan
: Destructing a recursive (here: either) type to dually construct an iterative (here: choice) type:
// chan Stream<Bool> is
type ChanStreamBool = recursive either {
.next[T] self
def alt_true_false: Stream<Bool> = chan return: ChanStreamBool {
let next: Bool = .true!
// begin recursive destruction
return begin {
// return is now of type
// either { .close?, .next[T] ChanStreamBool }
// again, notice the absence of recursive
.close => {
// return is now ?
// handle next first
.next => {
// return is now of type [T] ChanStreamBool
// handle next first
next {
.true! => {
let yield = .true!
let next = .false!
.false! => {
let yield = .false!
let next = .true!
// return is now of type ChanStreamBool
return loop
// return(yield) loop would have been equally valid
// in expression syntax:
def alt_true_false: Stream<Bool> = do {
let next: Bool = .true!
} in begin {
.close => drop_bool(next),
.next => let (yield: Bool, next: Bool)! = next {
.true! => (.true!, .false!)!
.false! => (.false!, .true!)!
} in (yield) loop
Send Type Commands
SendTypeCommand : Receiver(
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Expression | Constructing Expression
Having multiple types between (
and )
is just syntax sugar:
// the command
r(type T, U)
// is equivalent to
r(type T)(type U)
A send command can destruct (“specialize”) a universal type:
def id: [type T] [T] T = [type T] [x] x
def just_true = do {
let b: Bool = .true!
let f = id
// specialize f
f(type Bool)
// f is now of type [Bool] Bool
// f is now .true!
} in f
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing [type X] chan T
to dually construct (type X) T
type Any = (type T) T
def true_as_any: Any = chan return: [type T] chan T {
return(type Bool)
// return is now type chan Bool
// could have been combined to
// return (type Bool) .true!
Receive Type Commands
SendTypeCommand : Receiver[
Dual | Destructs Type | Destructs Channel | Pattern | Constructing Expression
Having multiple names between [
and ]
is just syntax sugar:
// the pattern
r[type X, Y]
// is equivalent to
r[type X][type Y]
A receive command can destruct an existential type:
def complicated_any_id: (Any) Any = [x] do {
// receive the type
x[type X]
// x is now of type X
let y: X = x
} in (type X) y
It can also be used with chan
: Destructing (type T) chan R
to dually construct [T] R
def id: [type T] [T] T = chan return: (type T) (T) chan T {
return[type T]
// return is now of type (T) chan T
// return is now of type chan T
return <> x
Here the planned features are listed. You can read more and even actively help the language grow on the Par Discord
Priority: Essential
Priority: Essential
Extensible I/O via Rust-controlled objects
Priority: Essential
Priority: Essential
Tagged types
Priority: High
Priority: High
Powerful pattern matching
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Reactive values
Priority: Low
Thank you for reading the Par documentation!
Read about more technical topics in the next chapters.
The grammar of Par is declared in Lexer and Syntax blocks. It uses the following notation:
Sequences of capital letters like DIGIT represent lexer tokens
Italic names in CamelCase like Item represent parser nonterminals
Character sequences in monospace like
represent literals -
Characters may be represented using escape sequences, like \n
- x? means x, zero or once
- x* means x, zero or more
- x+ means x, once or more
- xa..b means at least a and at most b of x
x | y means either x or y
[ and ] group characters together, like [
] or [a
] -
character sequences (and groups of them) can be negated by ~, like ~\n
( and ) group arbitrary rules for precedence